I am known as a Blissologist. Yes, I just made that up. My passion is to bring you Somatic (hands-on) touch with my years of knowledge and experience in the world of massage and tantric therapies.

I believe that the whole body should be touched, including the genital area of the body. Nothing should be excluded and everything is to be included. This way the body is honoured, respected and the natural energies within are activated which allows for deep healing and complete relaxation.

Being an inquisitive type of person I am able to tune into my client’s needs and serve them to the best of my abilities. Everybody is different, everybody comes with different requests. I love what I do, allow me to be in service of you.

One of my bigger passions is to keep on my own discovery journey of self. I am always learning new techniques through trainings and workshops expanding on my skills as a professional bodyworker. I continue my studies not only for my clients but for my own inner healing and learning experiences. This allows me to be able to hold space and truly help others in their own personal journeys which is a gift.


I am a skilled practitioner in the arts of Erotic Touch. This includes Sensual Massage, Lingam (Penis) & Yoni (Vulva) Massage, Tantra Massage, and Bondage Massage.

I have certificates in Lomi Lomi Massage, Ili Ili Hot Stones Massage, Bondassage, am a Meditation Leader, Urban Tantra Professional, Breath Therapist, and finally Mystic Rose Meditation Leader.


Fantastic coffee at my local. Clean air to breathe. World peace of course. To wake up with gratitude for this life I live. Friends, fine dining, and sacred alone time. Internet to be able to continue my work. To be able to travel and see more of this beautiful planet, especially the Silverback Gorillas in Rwanda.


Like any woman, I, of course, love receiving praise through gifts but allow me to be specific. Mr Black Cold Drip Coffee Liqueur. Poeme the perfume. Bose Noise Cancellation Headphones in Black. Haighs Chocolates, the liqueur kind. Gift cards from Myers and David Jones. And last but not least a home in Kuranda, far north Queensland.

0447 577 525
