A new website means a fresh perspective and a new outlook on the job (play).

And what comes with that is my first blog post to introduce The Sydney Massage to the world and to you.

As I move forward in life, I continue to grow, build and expand. This new website is part of that exponential growth in my working life and I am very proud to finally say, I have designed a fresh-faced website for you all to explore. I am absolutely filled with overflowing joy and excitement as for what comes next in my business venture.

And without a certain someone in my life, all of this would not have been possible, as I am not quite the tech-savvy kind of woman I need to be to pull this off on my own. I wish to thank the person behind the scenes who has worked with me to develop this beautifully fresh, clean and uncluttered website.

That person is the wonderful Sunkate. Not only is he my discerning personal tech dude, he is also my adorable flatmate. With his assistance, I have now been able to expand my offerings, reaching new audiences and new heights. I wanted something expansive yet simple, warm and welcoming, and this has been achieved beyond my wishes. So, I thank my beloved flatmate for helping me make my wishes come true.

I have also welcomed copywriting power duo Mel and Kristen on board, who will both be working alongside me to create all the fabulous content you will be reading on this website. That being said, I shall be posting regularly on this blog, so expect to see more content coming your way very soon.

Ultimately, this fresh-faced page is designed to be approachable for everyone. It offers clarity on my intentions as a massage practitioner and what I am offering now in the world to my clients. My goal for this website is to get straight to the point, void of extras to entice. Just a clear, concise description of who I am and what I have to offer. The older I become, the less mess I wish to have in my life, and this goes for my working life as well.

So, I invite you to click through and discover my exciting new space, The Sydney Massage. Have a look through the gallery, browse my services and I shall be seeing you very soon for a session in my beautiful apartment here in Sydney, Centennial Park.

Oh yes, I am COVID-19 compliant, so it’s safe to cross my front door.

With Gratitude
