I just wanted to share this small blog about a HUGE topic!

Last week’s coronation of Charles and Camilla was an amazing move for her. In a long-awaited moment, she was transformed in the public eye from Mistress to Queen.

What a gigantic leap, hey? And good for her, she deserves it!

We all know she would have been married to Charles in the first place had it not been for the wicked Mother. (Sorry, dearly departed Queen Elizabeth.)

But let’s be real for a moment…

It’s a huge step for all sex workers of the world and all those mistresses tucked away. It’s not easy for us to step into the light with ease and diplomacy. Camilla has led the way for us all and I love her for that.

Those of us called to sexuality work are faced with heavy stigmas, misunderstandings, and just baseline ignorance around our chosen field. People judge, especially when they don’t understand.

The good news is that the world is changing a little bit every day, and our generation is blessed to see things that our parents’ generation could never imagine.

Enter Camilla, long-time public mistress of Charles, now married and alongside him as Queen of England.

Camilla began as a commoner and her affair with Charles was a source of scandal and tabloid headlines in the late 90’s.

Their relationship stretches back for more than fifty years, and throughout it all, Camilla has been the perfect mistress: supportive, constant, never made a fuss.

By 2005, they were married. And this year, she ascended to the loftiest position in British royalty. (King is good, but Queen and Country have our hearts.)

Some would call it luck. But the truth is, she’s served deeply, and she deserves this position! Good on you, Camilla!

Her journey is an inspiration to all mistresses and for all of us who do work in sexuality. It’s a push to step into the light and recognize the importance – and the beauty! – of what we offer.

Camilla’s success shows us that we can stop judging ourselves preemptively and begin to teach people a new way to perceive this work, clearly, confidently, and in deep integrity.

It also shows us that anyone can change their life path – at any time – and not be ashamed or persecuted for their past life decisions and their personal journey.

Love ya, Camilla! You go girl!