The Story of Our Bodies

The human body is a fascinating thing! In my line of work, I experience different bodies and study them thoroughly. Each time someone enters my world and hops onto my massage table, I can hardly wait to reveal them. And it doesn’t matter if they are big or small, each body tells a different story.

The Beginning

It’s sometimes said that our bodies are a reflection of the lives we’ve led and the experiences we’ve had. Every part of our body tells something about ourselves. For example, it’s said that the bigger and more pronounced the belly button, the more outgoing and ‘larger than life’ the personality. An overly rounded shoulder means that a person is protecting the space of the heart and is feeling anxious. Rounded toes can indicate someone who is stubborn and always does things “in their own way,” even if they do harm to themselves.

Facial features also can tell a lot about a person’s character. Physiognomy, or the interpretation of the character from the study of a person’s face, is a practice that has been around for centuries. There’s a goldmine of interesting theories to be found in physiognomy. It’s thought that the groove that connects the nose with the mouth can indicate a person’s fertility levels. A long, broad and deep philtrum is a sign of good fertility, while a shallower, less pronounced one can suggest lower fertility levels. Even more amazing, a large nose can be a sign of a powerful person.

If you’d like to dig even deeper with facial features, deep-set eyes imply a more introverted personality, and a deeply furrowed brow means a person might have a lot of built up anger or frustration.

It’s incredible the things you can learn about a person’s character from their facial features.

The In-Between

So of course, there isn’t any scientific evidence that proves these things, but it’s a fun thing to play with! But one thing is for sure; our bodies are certainly affected and shaped by our interior lives, and vice versa.

To see just how interconnected your body really is with your emotions, do the following exercise:

Go outside and go for a walk. You’ll want to walk with your shoulders slumped, and your body bent forward. Make sure you drag your feet, look down, and don’t engage anyone. Act as if no one is there but you and walk slowly. Make your breathing shallow and weak. Now without changing anything, try to be happy. Notice how difficult this is. Make note of how you felt at that moment.

Now I want you to walk with your head raised and your chin up. Walk with confidence. Straighten your back, and keep your shoulders back and breathe in deeply, feeling every breath. Walk firmly and plant your feet. If you want, you can even engage with others and make eye contact. Now, without changing a thing, try and feel depressed. Once again, notice how difficult it is to feel that emotion.

The End

Now that you’ve experienced the mind-body connection, think about how you can influence your moods and change your outlook just by making a few changes to the way you carry yourself. If you

keep practicing this you’ll soon realise how much power your body has.

If you have questions on bodywork, I’m available for sessions in a private setting and would enjoy guiding your body and mind.

In gratitude, Taranga