Making it Last

As beings with energy flowing throughout our bodies, we want things to last. We cherish moments. We like to enjoy that euphoric feeling of not having a care in the world and doing what we love most in that moment.

Sex is one of the greatest joys of life. When it comes to something that’s good, you don’t want to rush it. And yet, that’s what happens all too often. Statistically speaking, a man will last on average 5.4 minutes. So this means things are over before they start to get really good.

If this strikes a nerve, don’t you fret. With a simple tip and some practice, anyone can make sex last longer. It takes slowing down and really experiencing the moment while understanding what’s going on with your body and the interests of your partner.

There’s one really great way to do this. And that’s edging.

For many people, the orgasm is rushed. You want to get naked, turned on, and bust. But what happens when you slow down? Let’s say you really take your time and let the sensations build up and then slow back down. Let’s say you keep doing this over and over until there’s nowhere else to turn. This is the practice of edging.

The Practice Of Edging

Edging teaches orgasm control. Through this process you build up almost to the peak, and then pull back, moving away from the orgasm. The energy builds up, then things slow down. Slowly, after doing this a few times, the sexual energy builds to levels you can’t even imagine. Once you’re past the point of no return, your orgasm will feel like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

One of the great things about edging is that it can give a man much greater control over their orgasms. Studies show, that it helps men to slow down, and listen to their body’s signals, and those of their lovers. Instead of being some grand performance, lovemaking turns into a very special intimate experience. There are many benefits to edging including stronger sex drive, more orgasm control, and even multiple orgasms.

Edging isn’t just for men. Women who practice edging enjoy some of the same pleasures. This process deepens the state of arousal and can even put you in a state of euphoria and altered consciousness when sensations peak.

Tantra and Edging

If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you probably already have a pretty strong understanding of tantra. However, if you’re new here, tantra is a practice that helps us to explore our sexual energy. It’s about listening to our body and our feelings, learning how to tune in to our sexual energy, feel it, build it, and channel it through our body.

Tantra is not all about sex either. Tantra is about being conscious of what we’re feeling, and allowing the body and the feelings to guide us. It’s about staying in the moment and not drifting away from it.

In tantric sex, we practice feeling the energy as it rises, allowing it to fill the entire body instead of being confined to just one place which is usually the genitals. We practice moving slowly and organically without chasing some certain outcome. We also learn to connect with the breath, syncing our breathing with our lover so that we tune in to the same station, enjoying the same moment during this intimate process. Tantra is a practice. And anything that takes practice requires consistency.

This isn’t something you just learn and then you’re done. Each time you step into some sensual play with your lover, you have an opportunity to deepen your connection with your own body and that of your partner. This is a repetitive pattern that has to happen in order for you to feel what you need. Edging is a beautiful way to slow down. It forces you to get in the body and pay attention to the sensations as they come. Practicing this with your lover allows you to move as one.

As with anything I present to you, I want you to try this out for yourself. Try it out with your lover and see how it feels. Slow down and tune in, and follow those feelings. Breathe with your partner. Be in tune and in sync. Breathe the energy through the entire body and through the heart. Build again, and again until you are feeling ultimate bliss.

In gratitude
