The Tantra Massage

Tantra is a familiar term to many, but there are still some that don’t know the true meaning of the word. When you think of the word tantra, sexual desires and other naughty thoughts may come to mind. If you dig a bit deeper, your curiosity may in fact lead you down a more sensual path than you expected.

It’s by reading about tantric techniques and philosophy that we learn its true meaning. However, Tantra is more than just knowledge and ideas. It’s experiential. Tantra is a feeling, an experience. It’s something that is learned through the body rather than the mind. To explore tantra, you have to be with a partner who understands the finer details. This is doubly important when seeking out the attentions of a practitioner.

The best way to begin the bodily exploration of tantra is with a Tantra Massage from an experienced provider. Many of my clients tell me that they’ve wanted to do this session for a long time but have been putting it off. We all know that life happens, but if you want to take it to the next level, visiting a tantric practitioner is the best way to get a full experience.

Tantra Experience

A Tantra Massage is about more than just a sexual experience. It’s sensual on a level that’s deeper than many can comprehend. It’s about tuning into those erotic feelings and turning up your sexual energy. Through sensation and breath, you practice allowing the energy to rise up from the genitals and flow through the entire body system. The experience is like no other and will have you ready to quench your sexual thirst again and again. You breathe the energy throughout the body, and the more you breathe, the more you feel. While this is a simple technique, it has the potential to deeply transform your sensual experience in every aspect of your life.

Without training, our sexuality is often unconscious. Most don’t think about sexuality beyond what appears on the surface. A Tantra Massage teaches us to go slow. We take our time with the massage paying attention to the entire body. We build the energy gradually and saturate the entire body through breath.

Going slow is key. Feeling every moment is paramount.

The tantric experience can be beautiful and overwhelming for some. The results are phenomenal and addicting. Some have stated they’ve experienced body orgasms. These types of orgasms are much different than ejaculation. Ejaculation is an outward explosion of energy that we can physically see. In a body orgasm, though, the energy is built and magnified until it explodes inwardly in a torrent of sensation. We feel it in every part of our being. While ejaculation is amazing and fun, a body orgasm is an experience that can only really be felt.

I invite you to go ahead and indulge your curiosity. Stimulate your mind and study this experience. Then, when you really want to explore tantra, take it into the body. A Tantra Massage can take your sexual experiences to new heights. It will also invite an entire range of new sensations into your body.

When you’re ready to feel the difference within your body and deepen your knowledge of tantra, book with me for a Tantra Massage.

In gratitude
