Posts by Taranga

COVID-19 Lockdown Experience.

The second half of 2021 has been quite turbulent and, without realising, it’s been about two months since I’ve last sat down to write a blog post. The simple reason behind this is something that’s been on all of our minds here in Australia – COVID-19.

As you know, I live in the beautiful city of Sydney and we’ve been in lockdown for the last twelve weeks. This lockdown feels never-ending as our infection rate keeps growing and it seems reaching 0 cases has become an impossible idea. Instead, the focus has become on getting people vaccinated, so until enough people have received their two doses, we’ll continue to live in a state of lockdown.

I’m fortunate enough to be one of the people who get a cheque to just hang out and enjoy my time alone. However, the one thing I can’t do is have my clients over for a sensual and erotic massage experience. I’ve officially closed down again until further notice.

Although not being able to do what I love causes me great sadness, I must admit I am in a more comfortable space than others. So many people are unable to see family and friends and must rely on platforms like Zoom to connect with their loved ones. Houses have lost their incomes and families have been devastated by COVID-19, leaving people isolated and even hospitalised. My heart goes out to everyone being affected by this terrible virus.

That’s not to say I haven’t felt the effects of the pandemic myself. I’m not enlightened or a buddha, I’ve had bouts of depression and moments of ‘what am I doing here?’. I’ve had periods of reflection and wasted too many hours watching anti-vax videos on YouTube (which are downright depressing in themselves).

One positive aspect though is that I’m already fully vaccinated and have my certificate ready to show clients when they can come to visit me again. Being fully vaccinated makes me feel more comfortable and confident when going out to shop for basics or spending a little time outside for exercise and to take care of my mental health. I’m also proud to be fully vaccinated so that when things do open up again I can care for my clients in the safest way possible, while also doing my part for the community at large.

So, what does this mean for us all spiritually, emotionally and physically? We all have to do our part to remain positive but it’s also important to take time to reflect on how we’re truly feeling. If you do ever get down, that’s okay. One thing I’ve learnt is that what goes down must come back up, so remember that this pain is only temporary. Use that time for reflection, be kind to yourself and do as much as you can to stay positive.

If you are struggling a little bit, I’ve got some fun tips for you on how to uplift your mood. Give yourself a relaxing massage, take a long bath, or try both at the same time! Organise a little dance party through Zoom with your loved ones and jump around your living room together (virtually) to your favourite songs. Put on your all-time favourite movie, or cosy up in bed with your laptop and watch some fun videos on YouTube. We all get an hour a day to go outside, breathe in fresh air and exercise, so use that to its fullest. Look up at the sky, walk solely in

meditation and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Don’t forget to be kind to others too, just saying one simple thing to make a family member or friend feel great about themselves can really change their whole day. If you are on your own in lockdown, make sure you’ve got your singles buddy locked in and try to connect with them as much as possible to brighten your day and theirs.

While we may not be able to see each other face to face right now, we can still connect with each other through OnlyFans. It’s an online platform with a monthly subscription fee that will allow you access to all my virtual content as well as a way for us to keep talking and working together. My OnlyFans platform is a place of connection and reflection, meditation, ASMR readings, musings and positive quotes. It’s a very casual space where we can get to know each other on a deeper level. Sometimes I just post personal content like sweating the little things in life and lighthearted funny things. If you want me to discuss something of importance to you, you can write to me and let me know via OnlyFans as well.

My OnlyFans account name is Bliss Rising, but you can check out my page via this link. I’ll be posting twice a week, come connect with me there!

To everyone who sees this blog, be safe and well wherever you are in the big wide world. Enjoy every moment, give blessing for what you have in life and always have joy in your heart.


The Importance Of Boosting Your Body Image

The Importance Of Boosting Your Body Image

You’re too fat. You’re too skinny. Your hair is too short or too long. You’re beginning to get wrinkles. You’ve got cellulite. Your hair’s going grey. Your tits are sagging. Your man boobs are swelling. You look like a dag. On and on the ‘What’s Wrong With Me’ list goes.

We all get that feeling of not being good enough, and it’s a message that’s reinforced constantly by the media, and occasionally (if unintentionally) by our family and friends. The endless pressure to look good all the time can be exhausting. But times are changing, and it’s becoming more and more encouraged to fall in love with the skin we’re in.

However, body positivity shouldn’t just be a trend on Instagram. It should be everyday living.

We need to start loving our bodies, whatever shape or form they present themselves in. When we accept ourselves with unconditional love, we begin to see the world and others through different eyes – and we also need to start feeling a little bit more relaxed about life in general.

One recent client told me she would have been too embarrassed to come for a session with me if she hadn’t lost quite a bit of weight. I was happy that she had come in, but I was disappointed to hear that her weight was a deciding factor. It does not matter what size you are, we all need touch and love through body contact.

The Tantra Womens Massage that I offer is both an empowering and enlightening experience, deserved by all. This kind of restorative bodywork invites a sense of total relaxation and spiritual awakening, which may actually be the key to letting go of our body worries. If you suffer from poor body image, or feelings of self-consciousness during sex, tantra massage can act as a therapy session to combat this type of negative thinking.

It can certainly be a daunting thing, and can certainly make you feel very vulnerable when revealing your naked body to another. However, the experience of sensual massage helps to alleviate this kind of unnecessary fear. From heart-focused healing sessions to the focused yoni massage, you can come to understand your body more holistically through tantra massage.

It is generally a very helpful remedy for body image issues, and can also help improve your sex life. Being such an experimental practice tailored to each individual body, the experience is very transformative. Allow this practice to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your body. Get to know yourself. Practice the act of self-love and acceptance.

So, wherever you are, whoever you are, love the body you are in, right now. Tell your body that you love it, right now. Give yourself permission to feel good in the body you have, right now.

This body is the only one you have – so give it love, take care of it and enjoy it through exercise, good food and healing modalities like massage, bodywork and dance. There are

no two bodies alike, and as a bodyworker, that makes for a colorful experience when I’m giving a massage! I love being presented with different bodies, and giving the exact same love to every single one.

That is the art of acceptance. So, love the body you are in, and it will love you right back.

In Gratitude


Fresh Beginnings and a Fresh Look for The Sydney Massage

A new website means a fresh perspective and a new outlook on the job (play).

And what comes with that is my first blog post to introduce The Sydney Massage to the world and to you.

As I move forward in life, I continue to grow, build and expand. This new website is part of that exponential growth in my working life and I am very proud to finally say, I have designed a fresh-faced website for you all to explore. I am absolutely filled with overflowing joy and excitement as for what comes next in my business venture.

And without a certain someone in my life, all of this would not have been possible, as I am not quite the tech-savvy kind of woman I need to be to pull this off on my own. I wish to thank the person behind the scenes who has worked with me to develop this beautifully fresh, clean and uncluttered website.

That person is the wonderful Sunkate. Not only is he my discerning personal tech dude, he is also my adorable flatmate. With his assistance, I have now been able to expand my offerings, reaching new audiences and new heights. I wanted something expansive yet simple, warm and welcoming, and this has been achieved beyond my wishes. So, I thank my beloved flatmate for helping me make my wishes come true.

I have also welcomed copywriting power duo Mel and Kristen on board, who will both be working alongside me to create all the fabulous content you will be reading on this website. That being said, I shall be posting regularly on this blog, so expect to see more content coming your way very soon.

Ultimately, this fresh-faced page is designed to be approachable for everyone. It offers clarity on my intentions as a massage practitioner and what I am offering now in the world to my clients. My goal for this website is to get straight to the point, void of extras to entice. Just a clear, concise description of who I am and what I have to offer. The older I become, the less mess I wish to have in my life, and this goes for my working life as well.

So, I invite you to click through and discover my exciting new space, The Sydney Massage. Have a look through the gallery, browse my services and I shall be seeing you very soon for a session in my beautiful apartment here in Sydney, Centennial Park.

Oh yes, I am COVID-19 compliant, so it’s safe to cross my front door.

With Gratitude
